Kiss N Kick
- Edna Brackenridge Main Event Center - Feb. 25 &26, 2022
BBR Pending
WCRA Alliance
Added Money: $500 w/100+ runners. $1000 w/175+ runners
BabyTraining Time - Friday 3-5pm/Sat 10-11am-($15/1 horse/1 rider or $30/1 rider w/multi horses)
Exhibitions from- Friday 5-7pm/Sat. 11-1:30 (30 minute increments)
Open -Friday 7:30/ Sat. 2pm
$$Cash Only$$
Open 4D-$40
The Betty’s Class (Horses that earned $300 or less w/TDB)-$40
Youth Incentive, 18 & under (must enter open)-$30
Adult (must enter open)-$25
Senior (must enter open)-$25
Fill the Feel- $15 (exhibition run during race)
Office fee-$10
Pre-entries must be paid by cc or Venmo. Checks mailed must be received 2/23
For more info. Please call 361-550-8872