Annual Pass
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Annual Pass

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Pricing and Benefits

The BRC Annual Pass allows Park users to enjoy unlimited access without paying the daily entrance fee to both the Brackenridge Park and Campground and the Texana Park and Campground (car pass must be present to enter). BRC Park users can access either park 24 hours a day for the entire year that the annual pass is active. The BRC Annual Pass does not allow for any discounts on camping or facility rentals.

A BRC Annual Pass can be purchased for one of the following prices:

Annual Pass – Ages 18 to 64: $75.00

Annual Pass – Ages 65 to 80: $25.00

Annual Pass – Ages 80 and Up: FREE

A driver’s license, birth certificate, military discharge papers or other suitable identification considered sufficient proof for establishing the age and identity of an individual must be presented at the time the BRC Annual Pass is issued. All annual passes must be purchased by the person intending to use the pass.

*Veterans of the US Armed Services holding a 60% or more service connected disability, as determined by the US Veterans Administration, or loss of a lower extremity. US Veterans meeting these eligibility criteria will receive a Free BRC Annual Pass. Disabled veterans must present their Veteran’s award letter that contains the degree of service connected disability in order to be considered for this discount.

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